Olives can be an acquired taste. You either love them or loathe them. We eat them whole, have them in salads, on our pizzas and even put them in our drinks, (cheeky martini anyone?). But can dogs eat olives?
Olives are actually a type of fruit, and due to the vitamins and minerals, they contain they have many health benefits for us humans. But what about dogs?
In this article, we’ll cover whether dogs and olives are a good combination and whether it is safe for your furry friend to eat them.
Can Dogs Eat Olives?
Can dogs have olives? The short answer to this is yes. But hold your horses. That doesn’t mean you should rush off and crack open a jar for your four-legged friend. There are a few things to take into consideration first. Let’s take a look at the benefits and risks of olives for dogs.

As with any other new food you give to your dog, moderation is key. A few olives here and there won’t hurt your dog, but be careful not to overdo it.
Most dogs love the salty taste of olives so they are unlikely to turn their nose up at them.
They can act as a good training treat too! Imagine how much fun it would be for your furry friend if they got a tasty olive as a reward.
Are Olives Good for Dogs?
Olives are high in magnesium and can be beneficial for your dog’s bone health. Potassium is another nutrient that benefits their bones and aids muscle growth. Also, calcium is required for strong teeth and bones, so olives are a good source of this too!

Olives contain healthy fats that are great for your dog’s coat, including omega-three fatty acids.
The best way to give olives to a dog is in small portions of two or three pieces maximum. You can also use them as training treats, which can be useful if you are trying to encourage your dog to do something new.
Olives are a great source of vitamin A, which is good for their eyesight. They’re also packed with vitamin E and can help protect against cancer by helping remove toxins from cells in the body.
Can dogs eat olives without any problems then? Yes, they can!
Are Olives Bad for Dogs?
Are olives toxic to dogs? While olives are good for dogs, you should be careful with how much your furry friend eats. Can dogs eat olives in moderation? Yes! Can they have too many and get an upset stomach or diarrhea? Also, yes.

If you do decide to give them some olives as a treat then do remember to remove the pits beforehand.
Olive pits contain a toxin called oleandrin which can cause symptoms such as vomiting and seizures when eaten by pets. Olive pits can also be a choking hazard and should be removed first.
Sometimes olives are seasoned with spices and herbs such as oregano, garlic or onion powder. It is best not to give dogs these olives as they can make them sick due to the high levels of sodium and potential toxicity from the added spices.
In general, the flesh is safe for dogs to eat. However, you should avoid giving your dog too many green olives because there are bitter compounds in them that can cause digestive issues for pets with sensitive stomachs.
If you’re in any way concerned or have given your dog too many olives and he starts showing signs of illness such as vomiting or diarrhea then seek veterinary care immediately!
Dogs and Olives – Green Olives vs Black Olives
The differences between green and black olives are that green olives are unripe and black olives have been left to ripen longer.

Can dogs eat both types of olive? Yes, they can!
Olives come in all shapes and sizes so you may find your dog has a preference for one type over another. If he likes them then great – but if not don’t worry.
Can Dogs Eat Green Olives?
Can dogs eat olives safely? Green olives are safe for dogs to eat. They can have a few and not get a stomach ache or diarrhea.

Always try to avoid giving your dog too many green olives because there are bitter compounds in them that can cause digestive issues for pets with sensitive stomachs.
As with any other food you give your dog, moderation is key. A few olives here and there won’t hurt them but be careful not to overdo it.
Can Dogs Eat Green Olives with Pimentos?
If your dog eats olives with pimentos, be aware that they can cause digestive problems.
Avoid spicy pimentos because the heat can irritate their mouth and throat.

They are not toxic for your dog but pimentos contain capsaicin which can irritate the digestive system so should be avoided while feeding them to your furry friend.
Remember that if your pet does experience any symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea after eating olives with pimentos, get it checked out by your vet.
Is Olive Oil Good for Dogs?
If olives are good for dogs, what about olive oil? Can dogs eat olive oil?
Olive oil is good for your dog and can improve their coat. It also helps with arthritis and joint pain as the anti-inflammatory properties reduce inflammation in the body.

It’s best to avoid giving too much of this, however – it contains a lot of calories so be careful not to overdo it.
Just a small spoonful of olive oil can be beneficial for your dog but don’t overfeed them with this! It’s best to avoid giving more than one tablespoon at a time.
Olives can be a healthy snack to give your pup due to the many vitamins and minerals in them. But they also contain a lot of fat, and although they are technically healthy fats they can still make your pup ill if consumed in large amounts.

So as long as there are no added salts, spices or flavorings added, the pits have been removed, it should be safe to share the odd olive with your furry friend every now and then.
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All information in this article is for educational purposes only and is not meant to replace your veterinarian's advice.
Jen is the founder of anxiouscanine.com, a leading resource for managing and treating anxiety in dogs. With over a decade of experience in working with rescue dogs, Jen holds diplomas in Understanding Canine Anxiety, Canine Holistic Health & Therapy, CBD Oil for Animals, and Zoopharmacognosy. Her expert insights help dog owners navigate the challenges of anxiety with compassionate, innovative solutions. Follow Jen’s guidance at Anxious Canine for a calmer, happier dog.