Dog Pees When Scared: Signals of Stress

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When your dog pees because they are scared, it’s a clear sign they’re feeling distress. Like people, dogs can show their emotions in various ways. When they’re frightened, their body may respond by eliminating, which is just a fancy term for peeing.

This isn’t their fault, and it’s not because they want to make a mess. It’s just a natural reaction to fear. So, if your dog has an accident when they’re feeling scared, remember they need your support and patience.

A brown dog, sometimes peeing when scared, standing in a living room.

Understanding why your dog behaves this way is the first step in helping them. Fear can come from loud noises like thunder or fireworks, or unexpected guests can startle them.

Whatever the cause, when dogs are in panic mode, their bodies may react before they can control it. Think of it as a knee-jerk reaction, something that they do without thinking.

Getting to know the signs that your dog is scared allows you to help them feel safe and secure.

In dealing with a dog that pees when scared, the key is to address their fear gently.

Never scold them for these accidents; this can make the anxiety worse.

Instead, focus on creating a calm environment, use positive reinforcement, and consider training or even consulting a professional if needed.

Your goal is to help your furry friend feel more at ease, reducing the chances of these accidents happening.

Understanding Dog Behavior

A scared dog stands on the tile floor in a kitchen.

When your dog pees unexpectedly, it might be due to fear or excitement. Let’s look at why this happens and how to identify the signs.

The Psychology of Fear in Dogs

Dogs experience fear just like we do. This emotion can trigger a range of behaviors, mostly as a survival instinct.

In dogs, fear might come from a loud noise, a threatening situation, or an unfamiliar environment. When they’re scared, your dog’s confidence drops, and you might see signs such as:

  • Tucking their tail
  • Flattening their ears
  • Avoiding eye contact
  • Hiding
  • Submissive Urination: This is when your dog pees due to feeling threatened or scared.

Submissive Urination Versus Excitement Urination

Submissive Urination:
This kind of peeing happens when your dog is trying to appear less threatening. In the wild, showing submission helps to avoid confrontations.

Signs that your dog is displaying this behavior include:

  • Urinating during greetings
  • Showing their belly
  • Using a low posture

Excitement Urination:
Dogs also pee when they’re super excited. Think of it as them losing control because they’re so happy to see you. This is more common in puppies, who haven’t fully developed their bladder control.

Signs of excitement urination include:

  • Peeing during playtime or when you come home
  • A wagging tail and an active demeanor
  • Generally happens before, during, or right after an exciting event

Understanding these behaviors helps you respond appropriately. Remember, scolding your dog for peeing when they’re scared or excited usually doesn’t help and can actually make things worse. Instead, focus on building their confidence with positive reinforcement.

Training and Prevention Techniques

A dog standing on a carpet in a living room occasionally pees when scared.

To stop your dog from peeing when scared, you’ll need to use specific training methods. These can build your pup’s confidence and keep them calm.

Positive Reinforcement Training

Positive reinforcement training is key. Give your dog treats or praise when they follow commands without peeing. This rewards good behavior and makes peeing from fear less likely. Always use a happy voice and body language.

Make sure to:

  • Reward immediately after they do what you ask.
  • Stay consistent with the rewards.

Building Confidence in Shy Dogs

Building your dog’s confidence helps prevent submissive peeing. Here’s how:

  1. Expose your dog to new situations slowly to reduce fear.
  2. Encourage play with other friendly dogs.
  3. Use obstacle courses or try new games to boost their confidence.

Creating a Calm Environment

A calm environment reduces your dog’s anxiety. Do this by:

  • Keeping noise levels down.
  • Providing a safe space like a crate or bed where your dog can relax.
  • Using consistent routines for feeding, walks, and playtime.

Avoid sudden changes that might scare your dog and lead to accidents.

A small dog cowers in a corner, trembling, as it pees on the floor in fear

Sometimes, when your dog seems to pee out of fear, there might be an underlying health condition at play.

Medical Conditions Leading to Incontinence

Your dog’s unexpected urination when scared could be due to a medical problem.

Conditions like urinary tract infections (UTIs) or bladder stones make holding pee hard for them.

Kidney disease, diabetes or tumors can also cause loss of bladder control, known as incontinence.

This isn’t about them not being trained well; it’s a health issue that they can’t control.

When to Consult a Veterinarian

If you notice your dog consistently pees when scared, a vet visit is important. Also, look out for signs like straining to pee, blood in urine, or frequent accidents.

These could hint at a UTI or other conditions.

A veterinarian will check for these signs, diagnose the problem, and suggest the best course of action to help your dog gain better bladder control.

Special Considerations for Puppies

When your dog gets scared and has an accident, youth is a factor. Young puppies often need patience with potty training.

Potty Training Young Dogs

Puppies are not born knowing where to pee. Potty training takes time. Here’s your game plan:

  • Consistency: Take your puppy out at the same times each day. After meals and naps are key times.
  • Positive reinforcement: Praise your pup when they get it right. Treats work wonders.
  • Puppies pee out of fear more often than adult dogs. Their tiny bladders can’t hold much, so frequent trips outside are necessary. Don’t scold them if they slip up. Fear can make the learning process harder. Stay calm and offer lots of encouragement.

Your older pup may start having accidents even if they were perfectly trained before. This could be a sign of age-related health issues, like involuntary urination due to weakening bladder muscles or other serious conditions such as kidney disease, diabetes, or even cancer.

They might need extra help, so here’s what you can do.

Keep a consistent schedule for your senior pup. Shorten the time between trips outdoors. Make their path to the toilet area as easy as possible.

Consider adding more bathroom breaks to their routine. And talk to your vet if you’re worried – they can help you figure out the best approach.

Managing Senior Dogs’ Needs

When you have a senior dog, they may not be able to control their bladder like they used to. This is often just part of getting older.

Your buddy might need to go outside more often, or they may need puppy pads around the house. Watch for signs that they need to pee, like whining or pacing, so you can help them get to the right spot in time.

  • Routine Checks: Weekly check-ups at home to feel for any new lumps or changes.
  • Comfy Beds: Ensure they have a soft place to lie down that won’t hurt their joints.
  • Easy Access: Make sure their favorite spots are easy to reach without climbing or jumping.

Monitoring Health Changes in Adult Dogs

When your dog isn’t that old yet but shows signs of incontinence, keep a close eye on other health changes.

They may have a treatable condition.

Bladder stones, for example, can cause them to pee without warning, but this can often be fixed with your vet’s help.

Here’s what you can track to help your dog:

  • Food and Water Intake: Note if they’re drinking or eating more or less than usual.
  • Pee Patterns: Keep track of how often and how much they pee. If there’s a big change, it could be a sign of something like diabetes or kidney issues.

Always share any changes with your vet. They can help figure out what’s up and how to help your furry friend stay comfortable and happy.

Professional Guidance and When to Seek Help

If your dog pees when they’re scared, don’t worry, this is a common problem in many dogs, and there are solutions.

The good news is that if you are struggling to get your dog’s fearful peeing under control, there are professionals who can lend a hand.

Behaviorists and Trainers

Dog trainers and animal behaviorists are your go-to experts. They have the skills to teach your dog how to cope with fear.

A dog trainer can work with your dog on obedience and confidence-building exercises. Meanwhile, an animal behaviorist dives deeper into a dog’s mind. They figure out why your dog is scared and peeing.

Dog Trainer

  • Focus: Obedience and confidence-building
  • Goal: Improve dog’s overall behavior

Animal Behaviorist

  • Focus: Understanding and modifying fear-based behaviors
  • Goal: Address the root cause of anxiety

Assessing the Need for Professional Help

If you are undecided about enlisting outside help, here are some common signs to look out for in your dog that indicates it may be time to seek professional guidance:

  • Your dog frequently pees during scary situations.
  • They show other signs of fear, like hiding or shaking.
  • Attempts to comfort or train your dog at home haven’t worked.

Dealing with a behavioral issue takes time. Be patient, but don’t hesitate to reach out for professional advice if you think the situation is getting out of hand, or feel overwhelmed.

Home Care and Maintenance

When your dog gets scared and has an accident, quick and effective clean-up is really important.

Let’s go over how to do this and how to use specific areas to avoid future incidents.

Cleaning Up After Accidents

First off, grab an enzymatic cleaner. These cleaners break down the urine odors that standard cleaning products can’t touch.

  1. Soak up as much of the urine as possible with paper towels.
  2. Apply the enzymatic cleaner according to the instructions on the bottle.
  3. Let it sit, giving it time to work its magic, then wipe the area clean.

The smell needs to be eliminated completely or your dog might feel encouraged to pee there again.

Using Crates and Potty Areas Effectively

Proper housetraining involves creating a safe space with a crate and designated potty areas.

  • Make sure the crate is cozy, with enough room for your dog to stand and turn around.
  • Use the crate for short periods to prevent accidents when you can’t supervise directly.
  • Establish a routine that takes your dog to the same potty area each time.

Be consistant, this helps your dog feel secure. It also reinforces in your furry friend’s mind where it’s okay to go.

Understanding Gender-Specific Issues

When your male or female dog gets scared, they might pee. This can be due to several reasons including their instinctual responses and physical differences.

Why They Do It

Male Dogs: Your male dog may mark their territory more than females. They do this to claim space and show dominance. When they’re scared, peeing can be an accidental release due to fear.

Female Dogs: Your female dog could pee when frightened as a submissive gesture. They’re saying, “I’m not a threat” to whatever scared them.

Anatomy Matters

Physical Differences: Female dogs usually squat to pee, while males lift a leg. If your male dog pees when scared, you might find it on vertical surfaces like walls or furniture.

Not Just About Fear

Health Check: If your dog pees often when scared, consult a vet. Stress can impact their health and frequent accidental peeing might signal an underlying issue.

Training Tips: You can help your dog. Provide reassurance and create a safe space for them when they’re feeling anxious. Positive reinforcement can work wonders.

Dog Pees When Scared – Final Thoughts

When your dog pees because they’re scared, it tells you they’re really feeling uneasy. Dogs can’t always control how their body reacts to fear, this isn’t them being naughty or trying to upset you.

They’re just reacting in the only way they can in that moment.

The important thing to do is to figure out what’s spooking your dog. It could be anything from loud sounds to new faces. Once you know, you can start helping them deal with it better.

Creating a calm space is a good start. And remember, getting upset with them for accidents will only make things worse.

For dogs that pee when scared, gentle training and maybe some expert advice can make a big difference.

You’re aiming to help them feel safe. This might mean breaking out the treats for their calm moments or slowly getting them used to whatever scares them, step by step.

In some cases, there’s more going on, like a health issue, so keep an eye out for other signs. If you’re ever in doubt, a vet’s opinion can really help.

Handling a dog that pees when scared is about understanding, patience, and a bit of detective work to get to the heart of the problem.

Frequently Asked Questions

If your dog pees when scared, you’re probably looking for ways to help them feel safer and manage this behavior.

What can I do to help my dog who urinates out of fear?

Start by creating a calm environment. When you’re at home, be patient and offer gentle reassurance. Don’t punish or scold your dog, as this can increase fear.

How do I manage submissive urination in my dog?

To help your dog with submissive urination, avoid direct eye contact and approach them from the side instead of head-on. Use positive reinforcement when they show confident behavior.

At what age do dogs typically outgrow peeing when excited or frightened?

Many puppies outgrow this by the time they reach social maturity, usually between 1 and 4 years. However, some may retain these behaviors into adulthood if not addressed.

Are certain dogs more prone to emotional peeing, and how should it be addressed?

Yes, smaller breeds and shy or anxious dogs can be more prone to emotional peeing. Consistently building confidence with positive reinforcement is key to addressing this.

What’s the best way to react when my dog has an accident because it’s scared?

Stay calm and clean up without fuss. Comfort them with a reassuring voice and avoid getting upset, which could make the problem worse.

Can training techniques reduce the occurrence of my dog peeing due to nervousness?

Absolutely, training can help. Focus on building trust and security. Slowly introduce them to new experiences. Reward your dog for calm behavior in various situations.

Some dogs are more sensitive, and while both males and females can display fear-based peeing, certain breeds or individual dogs might be more likely to show this behavior due to their temperament or past experiences.

Is it common for older dogs to pee due to anxiety, and how can it be addressed?

Yes, older dogs can pee out of anxiety, often due to declining health. A vet checkup is crucial. Addressing health issues and providing a comfortable environment can reduce anxiety.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only and is not meant to replace your veterinarian's advice.
Jen Smart

Jen is the founder of, a leading resource for managing and treating anxiety in dogs. With over a decade of experience in working with rescue dogs, Jen holds diplomas in Understanding Canine Anxiety, Canine Holistic Health & Therapy, CBD Oil for Animals, and Zoopharmacognosy. Her expert insights help dog owners navigate the challenges of anxiety with compassionate, innovative solutions. Follow Jen’s guidance at Anxious Canine for a calmer, happier dog.

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