Dog Scared of Cats: Flipping the Feline Script

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Seeing a dog scared of cats can flip our usual expectations on their head, especially since we often think of dogs as the more dominant animals.

This fear could stem from not being familiar with cats or a negative past encounter. Observing a dog’s reaction around cats, such as barking or retreating, reveals their unease.

Being able to recognise and address this fear can help your dog to become more able to tolarate the company of your feline friends.

Gradual and positive introductions can reassure your dog that there’s nothing to fear, leading to more peaceful interactions between the cats and dogs of your household.

Canine Fear- How it Works

A dog and a kitten facing each other, with the kitten appearing to hiss or react defensively.

When your dog shows signs of fear, it’s often because something has triggered their natural response to danger. Let’s break down why dogs get scared and how their body reacts.

Anatomy of Dog Fear

Fear in dogs is not just about what you see on the outside. Deep inside their brain, there’s a spot called the amygdala. This is like an alarm system that tells the rest of their body to be on high alert.

When your dog encounters something scary, like a cat, their amygdala sends signals to their body that it’s time to be careful.

Key Parts of a Dog’s Brain Involved in Fear:

  • Amygdala: Alarm system for threats.
  • Hippocampus: Remembers scary things.
  • Prefrontal cortex: Decides how to react.

When these parts of their brain talk to each other, your dog feels fear. But fear can be different for each dog. Some might just be a little nervous, while others get really scared.

Anxiety and Fear Response

Now, imagine your dog sees a cat. Suddenly, they might seem anxious or scared. Their heart beats faster, they might start to pant, or they may try to hide. This all happens because their autonomic response system kicks into gear.

Here’s what their body does:

  1. Heart Rate Goes Up: This pumps blood to muscles.
  2. Breathing Changes: Your dog starts panting to take in more air.
  3. Body Language: They might tuck their tail or lower their body.

This reaction is normal. It’s their body’s way of preparing to either run away or protect themselves.

Over time, with good experiences and training, your dog may learn that the cat is not a threat and their fear will decrease.

Dog Scared of Cats – Common Causes

A dog resting its chin on a sofa with a cat peeking out in the background.

As funny as it sounds, a dog scared of cats can be a huge problem.

Let’s look at why this happens…

Negative Past Experiences

If your dog has had a scary run-in with a cat before, they may feel nervous around them. Think of it like if you fell off your bike really hard; you might be nervous about riding your bike again.

Your dog can feel the same way about cats if, say, a cat has hissed at them or given them a swipe with sharp claws.

Lack of Familiarity

Dogs often fear what they don’t know. If your pup hasn’t spent much time around cats, they might see them as strange creatures.

A puppy seeing something for the first time, that moves in a weird way, can make them a bit wary.

They’re just not sure what to make of them.

Signs of Fear in Dogs

A welsh corgi walking towards the camera with a cat in the background.
A welsh corgi walking towards the camera with a cat in the background.

When your dog encounters something scary, like a cat, they show fear in different ways. Here’s how to spot these signs.

Body Language Cues

Your dog speaks through their body language more than you might think.

Watch for these signs:

  • Tail: If their tail is tucked between their legs, it’s a clear signal your dog is frightened.
  • Eyes: Wide, round eyes or showing the whites of their eyes signal stress or fear.
  • Ears: Pinned back ears are another sign your buddy isn’t feeling so brave.
  • Posture: A lowered body or crouch can mean your dog is scared.
  • Stiffness: A stiff body or still tail can show your dog is on high alert.

Vocalization and Territory

Dogs use sounds and space to express fear too.

  • Barking: Quick, high-pitched barks could be a call for help.
  • Hissing: You might not know this, but some dogs can make a hissing noise when super scared.
  • Space: If your dog avoids certain spaces or is clingy, these could be fear responses.

Keeping an eye and ear out for these signs, it’s your dog’s way of letting you know they’re feeling scared.

Effective Desensitization Techniques

A dog scared of cats can really benefit from desensitization and counter-conditioning. These techniques teach your dog to stay calm in stressful situations.

Introduction to Desensitization

Desensitization is a method where you slowly expose your dog to cats, starting from a distance.

Try this step-by-step process:

  • Find out how close a cat can be before your dog gets scared. This is their fear threshold.
  • Keep your dog far away from the cat, give your dog treats to create positive feelings.
  • Gradually, let the cat come closer over many sessions, but keep your dog relaxed the whole time.
  • If your dog gets scared, you’ve moved too fast.

It’s a bit like boiling a frog, you turn the heat up slowly enough, the frog doesn’t notice.

Counter-Conditioning Strategies

Counter-conditioning works by changing your dog’s emotional response to cats. You can pair the sight of a cat with something your dog loves, like their favorite food or a fun game.

Each time they see a cat and don’t react with fear, they get a reward.

When dogs learn that seeing cats leads to good things, they start feeling better about them.

Always keep treats handy and reward them fast, right after they stay calm. This helps them connect the good stuff to cats.

You need a huge amount of patience and consistency here, dogs will need some time to slowly adjust.

Role of Dog Trainers and Behaviorists

When you have a dog scared of cats, you might get to a point where you need some help.

If you let them, dog trainers and behaviorists can come to the rescue. They can teach your dog to be more resilient around cats.

Professional Intervention

Dog Behaviorists are like detectives. They figure out why your dog gets scared and help fix it.

Think of them as doggy psychologists; they have special training to understand dog minds. They often have advanced degrees and know a lot about animal behavior.

When you get a behaviorist’s help, they will watch your dog, ask you questions, and give you a plan to help your scared furry friend.

What they do:

  • Observe your dog
  • Find out why they’re afraid
  • Create a plan to help

Why call them:

  • They have a lot of knowledge
  • They are like teachers for your dog
  • They make things better for you and your dog

Training Sessions

Dog Trainers can teach a dog scared of cats how to remain calm. They use games and lessons so your dog learns in a fun way.

You might see them guiding your dog through exercises or giving treats for good behavior.

Training can include:

  • Playing games
  • Learning commands
  • Getting rewards

Benefits of training:

  • Your dog learns to relax
  • You learn how to help your dog
  • Both you and your dog can be happier together

Creating a Safe Environment

To help your dog feel secure and less fearful of the cat, give them a space they can call their own and be smart about how they interact.

Safe Spaces at Home

Top priority! Your home must be a happy haven for your dog.

Set up a safe space where your dog can relax, away from the cat. This could be a comfy bed or a crate with their favorite toys and no cat access.

Make sure this space has a familiar scent and is quiet.

Keep this area off-limits to the cat! This helps your dog feel secure.

If you use a crate, never lock them in as a punishment. A safe space is like a cozy room, not a timeout corner.

Here’s an example setup:

  • Dog Bed: Cozy, with a blanket or shirt that smells like you.
  • Toys: Only their best-loved toys that the cat doesn’t play with.
  • Litter Box: Place the cat’s litter box where your dog can’t get to it.
  • Water Bowl: Easily accessible, but in a spot the cat won’t bother them.

Managing Interactions

Introducing your dog to a cat should be slow and supervised interaction only.

Keep your dog on a leash during initial meetings. This way, you can control their movement and keep everyone safe.

Use calm and positive words.

Praise your dog gently for behaving well around the cat.

The leash is a tool for safety—don’t use it to punish your dog.

You can gradually allow them more freedom as they get used to each other.

Always watch their body language for signs of stress or fear. If they seem scared or agitated, separate them and try again later.

Every little step forward is a big win!

Practical Tips for Introducing Dogs to Cats

As we’ve previously mentioned, introducing a dog to a cat must be done slowly and with care. Taking the time to do it right will help both animals feel safe and can lead to a good relationship.

Controlled Introduction

Let each pet smell the other’s scent without meeting face-to-face. Swap their bedding or give the dog a blanket the cat has slept on and vice versa.

This step lets them use their sense of smell to get accustomed to each other, which is super important for animals.

Choose a quiet room for the first meeting. Keep the dog on a leash and let the cat come and go as they please.

This shows the cat that they can leave if they’re not feeling it. You stay in control and keep everyone safe.

Always wait and see how it goes before moving forward. Keep these visits short.

Ongoing Monitoring

Even after a successful introduction, keep a watchful eye on their interactions.

Make time for regular, supervised visits so they get used to each other’s company.

If you notice scared or aggressive behavior, take a step back. It’s like hitting the replay button to remind them how to be nice.

It’s hard, but stay patient. You might need to introduce them carefully many times before they get comfortable.

Managing and Reducing Aggression

When your dog shows aggression towards cats, don’t panick! You can manage and even reduce these scary outbursts with some steps.

Preventing Aggressive Outbursts

Make sure your dog calm and feels safe, so they don’t need to act aggressive. Often, dogs act out because they’re afraid or anxious.

Creating a routine helps your dog know what to expect and feel less anxious. When they’re calm and happy, they’re less likely to growl or attack.

Steps to prevent aggression:

  1. Consistency: Have a regular schedule for eating, walks, and playtime.
  2. Safe Spaces: Give your dog a comfy spot that’s all theirs.
  3. Positive Reinforcement: Reward your dog when they’re calm around cats with treats or praise.

Addressing Aggression Triggers

Getting to the bottom of what scares your dog or makes them angry is a big first step towards peace between your furry best friend and cats.

Be alert to when your dog starts to growl or get stiff — these are signs they’re not happy.

Once you know the trigger, you can work on gently exposing your dog to it in a controlled way.

Tips to work on triggers:

  • Stay Calm: Your dog can sense if you’re stressed. Keep your cool so they can, too.
  • Divert Attention: If they focus on something they enjoy instead of the cat, they might stop feeling the need to act out.

Additional Resources and Tool

dog scared of cats, backs away from the sitting cat

If you have a dog scared of cats, you might like to know that there are special products and materials that can help you keep them calm.

Here’s what’s available to support your furry friend…

Anxiety Reduction Products

For a dog that feels anxious around cats, certain products can calm them down.

You may like to try the following:

  • Anxiety vests: There’s a bunch of stuff like Thundershirts that you can put on your dog. They are like a tight hug and can make your dog feel secure.
  • CBD Oil: A few drops of of this amazingly effective oil can calm your dog right down.
  • Calming Chews: These are treats with special ingredients that can help your dog feel less nervous. They taste good, and your dog might not even know they’re for anxiety.

Dog Scared of Cats – Final Thoughts

Helping a dog scared of cats involves understanding their fear, offering reassurance, and gradual introductions.

Products like anxiety vests, CBD oil or calming chews can also make a huge difference.

Creating a safe space at home and monitoring their interactions can prevent fear from turning into aggression.

Taking the right correct approach, combined with a good amount of persevearence, it’s possible to foster a peaceful coexistence between dogs and cats.

This ensures they both feel secure and happy in their shared environment.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re noticing a bit of a scare fest between your dog and cat, you’re not alone. Here’s how you can help them get along better.

How can I help my dog overcome its fear of my cat?

Start by giving your dog a safe space away from the cat. Gradually introduce them to each other with treats and positive reinforcement when they stay calm near the cat.

What steps should I take if my dog is suddenly afraid of cats?

Check for any health issues first, as a sudden fear can be a sign of pain or discomfort. Once they’re healthy, slowly reintroduce the cat with short, supervised interactions.

How do I stop my cat from bullying my dog?

Create separate ‘zones’ in your home where each pet can retreat and feel safe. Ensure they both receive equal attention and use distractions like toys to prevent bullying.

What are effective methods to desensitize my dog to being around cats?

Use controlled exposure to the cat while your dog is on a leash. Keep the mood light with toys and treats, and calmly remove the dog if they get too stressed.

How can I prevent my dog from obsessing over my cat?

Keep your dog busy with other activities like walks and playtime. When they’re calm around the cat, reward them to reinforce good behavior.

What actions can I take if my dog exhibits a strong dislike towards cats?

Teach your dog commands like ‘leave it’ to manage their impulse control around the cat. Consistent training sessions help establish rules and boundaries between your pets.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only and is not meant to replace your veterinarian's advice.
Jen Smart

Jen is the founder of, a leading resource for managing and treating anxiety in dogs. With over a decade of experience in working with rescue dogs, Jen holds diplomas in Understanding Canine Anxiety, Canine Holistic Health & Therapy, CBD Oil for Animals, and Zoopharmacognosy. Her expert insights help dog owners navigate the challenges of anxiety with compassionate, innovative solutions. Follow Jen’s guidance at Anxious Canine for a calmer, happier dog.

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