Conquering Maltipoo Separation Anxiety: Helping Maltipoos Thrive When Left Alone

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Ah, Maltipoos! Those adorable bundles of fluff that chew on our slippers and pee all over our houseplants!

As a Maltipoo owner, you’re probably aware that your cuddly little guy feels like a warm, comforting hot water bottle when they cuddle up with you in the evenings.

But sometimes, that wet-nosed hot water bottle doesn’t want to be left alone, and that’s when things can get a little hairy.

We’ve all been there; you come home after a long, hard day at work, only to find your Maltipoo has redecorated the living room using the contents of your cushions.

Perhaps your furry friend regularly treats the neighbors to a symphony of incessant loud barks and howls while you’re out of the house.

If you’ve experienced anything like this, you’re not alone! Many Maltipoo owners find themselves facing this same challenge.

This blog delves into the strange world of Maltipoo separation anxiety and reveals how to manage this all-too-common condition.

Maltipoo Separation Anxiety, Leaving Your Maltipoo Alone

Separation anxiety in dogs is a distressingly emotional response that occurs when dogs are separated from their human family members.

Maltipoos, are essentially a crossbreed between a Maltese and a Poodle, and they have a higher-than-average chance of getting separation anxiety.

maltipoo close up, head to the side

Believe it or not, it’s actually down to this small dog having such a loving nature and strong bond with their human pack.

This pint-sized breed of lap dog can become particularly distressed when they feel like they’ve been abandoned, even if it’s while you make a quick trip to the grocery store.

Signs Your Anxious Maltipoo Displays when Left Alone

So, how can you tell if your Maltipoo is struggling with separation anxiety? The good news is that they show you through their body language and behavior.

Here’s a few common signs to watch out for:

  • Vocalizing: Your Maltipoo might want to express their displeasure loudly. They may choose to do this through the medium of barking, whining, or howling until you return.
  • Destructive behavior: Sometimes, Maltipoos channel their anxiety into other skills such as chewing, scratching, or generally wreaking havoc and destruction upon your belongings.
  • Little accidents: Even Maltipoos that have done their potty training can have accidents when they’re anxious.
  • Clinginess: When you’re getting ready to leave the house, your Maltipoo won’t leave you alone and may become your furry shadow or a Velcro dog that is literally stuck to your side.
  • Escape attempts: Some desperate Maltipoos may try to hatch an escape plan and break free from their confines in search of their human pack, which could result in costly property damage and injury.

Effects of Separation Anxiety on Maltipoos and Their Owners

Maltipoo separation anxiety doesn’t just lead to chewed-up drapes and impromptu bathroom breaks in your best shoes! It can also cause a ripple effect of stress and behavioral issues for both dog and the owner.

woman holding shoes

Here’s the not-so-fun side of separation anxiety and why it’s crucial to nip it in the bud for the sake of your Maltipoo and your own sanity.

Stress and Behavioral Issues

An anxious Maltipoo might start to exhibit behaviors that can be challenging to manage, such as excessive barking, aggression, or even self-harm. This stress can lead to other health issues, like digestive problems or a weakened immune system. In other words, A stressed-out Maltipoo is about as much fun as assembling IKEA furniture without the necessary instructions.

The Human Side of MaltipooSeparation Anxiety

The impact of separation anxiety on pet owners is no laughing matter either.

What with the constant worry about your pup’s well-being, combined with the carnage and angry noise complaints, can quickly transform your idyllic life into a car crash of a reality show you never even signed up for.

woman, head in hands looking stressed

Your social life, work-life balance, and mental health may suffer.

This is why it’s incredibly important to get a handle on this condition sooner rather than later. 

Prevention and Management: Tips for Leaving Your Maltipoo

Fear not! While on the face of it, separation anxiety might seem like a daunting challenge to beat, there are plenty of ways to help your furry friend cope while you’re away from the house:

Creating a Safe and Comfortable Environment

Create a zen den for your Maltipoo! A calm, serene place where they can retreat for comfort and security.

Use a cozy crate or a designated area with their favorite bed, toys, and blankets to create a familiar, peaceful environment that feels nice and safe, even when you’re not there.

Gradual Desensitization to Being Left Alone

They say Rome wasn’t built in a day, and funnily enough, this is also true regarding a Maltipoo’s confidence!

It’s always best to start this method while your Maltipoo is still a young puppy, as they will respond much faster to this training, and it’s always easier to prevent anxiety in dogs than try to fix the condition when it’s already established.

Maltipoo lying on a bed with a toy, maltipoo separation anxiety

However, as we all know, this isn’t always possible. If you’re trying this with an older dog, not to worry. Older dogs can learn new tricks, too. It just might take a little longer.

When leaving Maltipoo by themselves, start slowly. Leave them for a short period, then gradually increase their alone time.

Progressively increasing the time you’re away will, over time, help your pup to understand that you haven’t deserted them forever and that you’ll always come back.

Check out our crate training article that takes you through the process step by step.

Establishing a Routine

Maltipoos, like all dogs or young puppies, love predictability.

Sticking to a consistent daily routine can do wonders for their anxiety.

Maltipoo going for a walk

Try to keep regular times for food, walks, play, and sleep.

This consistency will build your pup’s self-confidence as they will know what to expect each and every day.

A structured daily routine is like a doggy timetable, and it’s incredibly comforting for them to know what’s happening and when it’s happening.

Providing Mental and Physical Stimulation

A bored Maltipoo is an anxious Maltipoo, so keep their little minds and bodies engaged with stimulating toys, puzzles, and exercises.

Interactive toys or treat-dispensing puzzles can quickly turn alone time into a fun, exciting experience.

Daily walks and play sessions can also have an essential role in helping to release pent-up energy and encourage rest.

Natural Calming Products For Maltipoo Separation Anxiety

When it comes to keeping your Maltipoo calm when you’re not at home, there is a range of products that can do the job quickly and efficiently, such as:

  • Thundershirts/anxiety wraps
  • Calming chews
  • Homeopathy
  • DogTV
  • CBD oil

Take a look at our article about anxiety solutions for more information about these amazingly effective products, along with other ideas and techniques you can try. Your dog will feel a whole lot better.

Encouraging Independence in Your Maltipoo

Support your Maltipoo’s emotional growth by creating opportunities to build self-assurance by encouraging independent play and rewarding them for trying these new experiences.

Maltipoo eating their food

Reinforce good behavior with lots of praise and yummy treats when they spend time alone or try something new, like sniffing out a hidden toy.

Professional Help and Support

Every dog is different, and sometimes, despite our best efforts, we might need a little extra help with our dog’s behavioral problems, and that’s when it’s time to call in the professionals.

When to Seek Professional Help

If you’ve tried a whole load of techniques and your Maltipoo’s separation anxiety shows no signs of improvement or worsens, it’s time to consider getting help.

Vet inspecting an xray

If your dog is constantly in a state of severe anxiety, it can drastically impact your dog’s quality of life, so don’t hesitate to get a professional’s opinion.

Types of Professionals

There’s a wide world of doggy experts on standby to lend a helping hand. These include:

  1. Dog trainers: Literal dog whisperers that are geniuses in teaching your Maltipoo new positive behaviors and coping mechanisms for when you leave them alone.
  2. Certified canine behaviorists: These Sigmund Freuds of the dog world are experts in analyzing behavior and can get to the root cause of why your Maltipoo suffers from separation anxiety.
  3. Veterinarians: your friendly neighborhood veterinarian is like a walking, talking medical encyclopedia that can practically rule out any medical issues contributing to your dog’s anxiety. They can also recommend any medication or supplements your dog needs.

Why Professional Support Matters

Accepting some professional help can make a world of difference in solving your Maltipoo’s separation anxiety issues. Having an expert on your side brings a wealth of experience, knowledge, and specialized procedures. Professionals can offer all sorts of tailored solutions uniquely suited to your furry friend’s individual needs. 

If you’re at your wit’s end with Maltipoo separation anxiety, don’t be afraid to call in the pros. They’re like the fairy godparents of the dog world.

Maltipoos Are Not The Only Breed Prone To Anxiety

If you’re questioning your choice of dog breed, understand that Maltipoos aren’t the only breed prone to anxiety.

Numerous breeds face anxiety issues. Here are a few that commonly do:

Final Thoughts on Maltipoo Separation Anxiety

There’s no point in saying separation anxiety in Maltipoos is easy to cure; it’s not.

And while it may not be a walk in the park, for the sake of your dog’s nerves and your own peace of mind, it’s worth going that extra mile for a solution to help your dog feel less anxious.

Maltipoo lying on a lawn, maltipoo separation anxiety

Remember, separation anxiety is a common problem, so you’re not alone.

To function normally on a day-to-day basis, you need to be able to simply walk away and leave the room or house without your dog superglued to your leg. 

Similarly, while Maltipoos have a strong bond with their owners, they should be able to spend time at home alone without stressing out, confident that you will return.

Train your Maltipoo using the information in this article, create an improved new environment, and try out some of the anxiety-busting treatments available. 

You’ll have everything you need to beat your dog’s separation anxiety and calm your Maltipoo once and for all.

You may even be surprised by the results!


All information in this article is for educational purposes only and is not meant to replace your veterinarian's advice.
Jen Smart

Jen is the founder of, a leading resource for managing and treating anxiety in dogs. With over a decade of experience in working with rescue dogs, Jen holds diplomas in Understanding Canine Anxiety, Canine Holistic Health & Therapy, CBD Oil for Animals, and Zoopharmacognosy. Her expert insights help dog owners navigate the challenges of anxiety with compassionate, innovative solutions. Follow Jen’s guidance at Anxious Canine for a calmer, happier dog.

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