Dog Scared of Thunder: Stormproof Your Pup

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Having a dog scared of thunder is a common challenge many owners face. When storms hit and thunder cracks, it’s not unusual to see your dog looking for a place to hide or showing signs of nervousness.

This fear can stem from the loud and unpredictable nature of thunderstorms, which can be quite distressing for them.

A dog lying on a wooden floor in a living room, as thunder rumbles outside

To help your dog through these fears, recognizing what frightens them is essential.

Your approach to their anxiety plays a significant role in their comfort. There are several strategies you can adopt to ease their stress during storms, such as creating a cozy hideaway or using methods to calm them down.

The goal is to help your dog navigate their fear more comfortably.

Dog Scared of Thunder? How Thunderstorm Anxiety Works

A scared dog running into a hallway to escape the sound of thunder

When your dog faces thunderstorm anxiety, they may show distinct behaviors and react due to a mix of reasons, including noise sensitivity and genetic factors.

Recognizing Signs of Thunderstorm Anxiety

Your dog might be anxious if they’re showing a combination of unusual activities during storms. Look for signs such as barking, whining, shaking, panting, or pacing.

Some dogs might even exhibit destructive behavior, like chewing furniture or digging at doors.

This is their way of telling you they’re not okay!

Why Dogs Hate Thunderstorms

The dislike, known as thunder phobia, can stem from several causes. The loud noise can be startling, making your dog feel threatened.

The build-up of static electricity could give them uncomfortable zaps.

Changes in barometric pressure affect their ears, which makes the experience uncomfortable.

The Science of Storm Fear

Identifying thunderstorm anxiety in your pup means looking at their responses through a scientific lens.

Anxiety can trigger their flight-or-fight response, leading to the symptoms that you see.

Studies suggest that genetics may play a role too, making some breeds more prone to fear.

Creating a Safe Space

A close up of a light brown dog lying on a dark blue sofa.

A dog scared of thunder needs a safe secluded space to hide, and this is how you do it.

Choose the Right Spot: Find a quiet corner in your home away from windows. This will be your dog’s go-to during storms.

Use a Crate: If your dog is crate-trained, this can be their safe place. Make the crate cozy with their favorite blanket, add a cover to shield from flashes of lightning, and leave the door open so they can enter and exit as they please.

Set the Scene

Soft Lighting: Keep the lights dim. A small lamp or nightlight can help your dog feel secure without the harshness of overhead lights.

Background Noise: A fan or white noise machine can mask the sound of thunder.

Play soothing music if it helps your dog stay calm.

Comfort Items

Toys and Treats: Inside their safe space, offer toys and treats to distract and reassure them.

Familiar Scents: An old t-shirt of yours can provide comfort with your familiar scent.

Close Off the Space

Curtains or Blinds: Draw the curtains or close the blinds to block flashing lights and reduce noise levels.

Roof for the Safe Space: If you’re not using a covered crate, creating a makeshift roof with blankets can add an extra feeling of security.

You’ll very probably need to try a few adjustments to find what works best for your scared little friend, but they will appreciate it.

Behavioral and Environmental Modification

A dog standing in a room, frightened of the thunderstorm. lightening flashing outside the window
A dog standing in a room, scared of a lightning bolt.

For a dog scared of thunder, knowing the right techniques can make a big difference when you’re helping them deal with their fear.

Here are some training methods and environmental tweaks to do just that.

Training Techniques for Thunder Fear

Training can really help your dog become less scared during thunderstorms.

Desensitization is a great place to start. This is the technique of exposing your dog to the sound of thunder gradually and in a controlled manner.

Play recordings of thunder at a low volume and pair it with something they love, like treats or playtime.

This is a form of positive reinforcement—you’re rewarding them for staying calm with something they enjoy.

Moving on, there’s counter-conditioning. This means changing your dog’s emotional response to the scary noise.

When thunder happens, immediately engage your dog with their favorite game or offer them their top treats.

Overtime, your dog can start associating thunder with positive experiences instead of fear.

Calming Techniques and Comfort Measures

If you are dealing with a dog scared of thunder, you can use several methods to help them feel safer and more comfortable.

Distractions During Thunderstorms

Offering your dog treats and their favorite toys can redirect their attention from the scary noise of thunder.

Create a playful environment by engaging in their preferred games. The goal is to associate the occurrence of thunderstorms with positive experiences.

Comforting Your Canine Companion

Cuddling: If your dog seeks comfort, provide it. A gentle embrace or a warm lap can make a huge difference.
Thundershirt: An anxiety vest like the Thundershirt can provide constant, gentle pressure, like a reassuring hug.
Soothing Sounds: Play classical music at low volume or use white noise to mask the sound of thunder. These can be calming for your dog and help drown out the frightening noises.

The Role of Diet and Medication

To help your dog with their fear of thunder, diet and medication can play important roles. Here’s how you can use these to ease their anxiety.

Nutritional Support for Anxious Dogs

What your dog eats can impact their stress levels.

For anxious dogs, meals rich in nutrients that support brain function are crucial. Omega-3 fatty acids, for instance, can help manage stress.

Foods to Include:

  • Foods high in Omega-3s (like fish oil)
  • Treats with added calming supplements, such as melatonin
  • Peanut Butter: Sometimes used to hide medication or plements


  • Foods with high sugar content, as this can increase hyperactivity

When to Consider Medication

If changing your dog’s diet isn’t enough, medication might be a necessary step.

You local vet can suggest safe anti-anxiety medications that work well for thunder phobias. You might hear about options like:

  • Anti-Anxiety Medications: For regular use if your dog is often anxious
  • Situational Treatments: Like sedatives, for thunderstorms specifically

Combine these with soothing techniques and safe spaces for your dog during storms.

Professional Help and Resources

If you have a dog is scared of thunder, and nothing seems to work, professional help can make a massive difference.

Seeking the Help of a Professional

You may notice your dog gets really scared during thunderstorms. If comforting them has not been enough, it’s okay to seek a professional’s advice.

A veterinarian can rule out any medical issues that thunder could be exacerbating.

Meanwhile, a veterinary behaviorist specializes in animal behaviors and can work with you and your dog to address their fears.

  • Vet Check-Up: Start with a visit to make sure there are no health issues connected to their fear.
  • Behavior Specialist Referral: Your vet may refer you to a behavior specialist.

Behavioral Training with Specialists

Some dogs need more than just a comforting hand; they need specialized training to manage their fear.

Behavior specialists provide structured training to help your dog cope with the sound of thunder.

  • Behavior Modification Techniques: Methods like desensitization can gradually get your dog used to thunder.
  • Training Support: They offer support to ensure you’re doing the exercises right at home.

Working with a trained professional means your dog doesn’t have to face their fear alone, and neither do you.

The Impact of Weather and Sensory Factors

You’ve probably seen your furry friend act uneasy during a storm.

But why? Well, dogs are sensitive to weather changes. These changes, especially thunderstorms, can seriously stress them out.

How Weather Affects Dogs:

  • Rain: Makes them wet and uncomfortable.
  • Barometric pressure: They feel it dropping before a storm and it might cause discomfort.
  • Static electricity: This builds up in their fur, making them feel weird.

During a storm, lightning flashes and loud thunder sounds can scare your dog. They have sharp hearing and sight, so these are intense for them.

Specific Triggers:

  • Flashes of light: Sudden and bright, it’s startling.
  • Loud sounds: Dogs have sensitive ears, so a thunder crack is like a scary explosion.
  • Changes in air pressure: Dogs feel this shift—it’s unsettling for them.

Now, you can help!

During bad weather, you can create that safe space for your dog we mentioned earlier. A cozy spot away from windows will help.

Distract them with toys or music, this will take their mind off the noise.

Your calming presence makes a big difference too.

Final Thoughts on a Dog Scared of Thunder

Helping a dog that’s afraid of thunderstorms involves a few thoughtful steps.

Set up a spot in your house where they feel completely safe. This could be a quiet room or a corner decked out with their bed, some of your clothes to remind them of you, their go-to toys, and a bit of soothing music or white noise in the background.

These touches can help distract them from the noise and make them feel at ease.

Training methods, like gradually getting them used to the sound of thunder in a controlled environment (this is called desensitization) or teaching them to associate thunder with positive things (known as counter-conditioning), can also do wonders.

Although these methods might take some time to show results, they can really help your dog become less fearful of thunderstorms in the long run.

If your dog gets really anxious during thunderstorms, and you can’t cope, it might be a good idea to talk to a vet or someone who knows a lot about dog behavior.

They can suggest specific ways to help your dog, and sometimes, they might even recommend medicine.

Just being there for your dog, staying calm, and giving them support can help your dog feel safer and more relaxed when the weather gets stormy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dealing with a scared dog during thunderstorms can be tough. Here’s how you can help them.

What can I do to help my dog who shakes during thunderstorms?

Provide a safe space like a crate where your dog can retreat. Try playing calming music to drown out the noise of the thunder.

Are there any effective home remedies to calm a dog during thunder?

Distraction works well, like playing with their favorite toy. You can also try a snug garment designed for anxiety, like a Thundershirt.

What steps should I take to soothe my dog when they’re frightened by thunder at night?

Keep a calm demeanor to show there’s nothing to fear. Offer them a blanket or pillow that smells like you for comfort.

How should I approach my dog’s fear of thunder to ensure I’m not reinforcing the fear?

Don’t overdo the coddling or panic; stay positive and upbeat. Reward them for calm behavior with treats or affection.

What kinds of medications are available for dogs with severe thunderstorm anxiety?

Your vet can prescribe anti-anxiety medications. Always consult a vet before giving your dog any new medication.

Is it better to comfort my dog or give them space during a storm to help with their fear?

Start by offering comfort to see if your dog responds well. If they prefer to be alone, give them a safe and cozy space to hide.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only and is not meant to replace your veterinarian's advice.
Jen Smart

Jen is the founder of, a leading resource for managing and treating anxiety in dogs. With over a decade of experience in working with rescue dogs, Jen holds diplomas in Understanding Canine Anxiety, Canine Holistic Health & Therapy, CBD Oil for Animals, and Zoopharmacognosy. Her expert insights help dog owners navigate the challenges of anxiety with compassionate, innovative solutions. Follow Jen’s guidance at Anxious Canine for a calmer, happier dog.

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