Dog Scared of Wind: Blown Away by Fear?

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When your dog seems nervous or unsettled, you might notice them reacting to things you wouldn’t expect, like the wind. Is your dog scared of the wind?

This isn’t all that unusual.

Many dogs experience anxiety, which can be triggered by a variety of things: loud noises, changes in the environment, or even the simple sensation of wind blowing around them.

A scared dog is in the grass on a windy day

Getting to the bottom of why your dog is scared of wind can really help you when it comes to supporting and comforting them.

Fear in dogs can manifest as barking, hiding, or even shaking.

But why the wind?

It’s not just the sound; it’s also about what they can smell and feel. Dogs have an incredibly keen sense of smell, and a gusty breeze is like a cocktail of new scents, possibly overwhelming them.

Plus, the feeling of wind might be totally foreign, making your furry friend more than a bit anxious.

Understanding Canine Anxiety and Fear

When your dog shows signs of fear, like cowering or hiding, they might be dealing with anxiety.

But why does this happen, what does it look like, and how does the wind play into it?

A scared dog is sitting in front of a window.

Causes of Anxiety in Dogs

Your dog’s fear can spark from many sources. Common causes include:

  • Past experiences: If they had a bad scare before, similar situations might trigger that memory.
  • Genetics: Just like people, some dogs are naturally more anxious.
  • Lack of socialization: Dogs not exposed to different places and sounds may feel more fear.
  • Changes in environment: Moving to a new house or adding a family member can stress them out.

Symptoms of Stress and Fear

You’ll notice specific behaviors when your dog is scared:

  • Physical signs: Panting, trembling, and hiding are clear cues.
  • Vocal expressions: Whining or barking excessively shows their discomfort.
  • Destructive behaviors: Chewing up shoes or furniture can be a cry for help.

The Role of Wind and Noise in Canine Anxiety

Wind might seem harmless to you, but for dogs, it can be a big deal.

Here’s why:

  • Sound sensitivity: Dogs hear better than we do. The howling wind can be loud and scary.
  • Bad associations: If wind has come before scary events like thunderstorms, your dog may connect the two.

Specific Phobias in Dogs

Phobias in dogs can lead to distressing situations for both your pets and you.

A scared dog sitting in a kitchen.

Storm Phobia

Dogs with storm phobia react strongly to the sounds and sensations associated with storms. They may pace, pant, whine, or hide due to the combination of thunder, rain, and wind.

This phobia is often coupled with thunderstorm phobia, where loud noises from thunder can trigger a full-blown anxiety response.

Wind Phobia

Wind phobia is a form of anxiety where dogs become nervous or frightened at the sound or feel of the wind.

They may mistake rustling leaves or the howling sound of wind for a threat.

Your dog might seek shelter, display uneasiness, or attempt to escape from the windy conditions.

Separation Anxiety and Phobias

Separation anxiety in dogs can sometimes appear similar to or exist alongside phobias. While phobias are linked to specific fears like storms or wind, separation anxiety happens when dogs become distressed due to being apart from you.

Signs can include vocalization, destructive behavior, or restlessness.

Behavioral Responses and Management

A frightened dog standing in front of a door.

The wind is getting stronger outside and your dog is getting ever more agitated, lets take you through what to look for, and what you can do to make things easier for your pup…

Signs of Storm and Wind Anxiety

When winds pick up or a storm is brewing, your dog may become visibly anxious.

You might notice them trembling, shaking, or even howling as the wind howls outside. Other signs your furry friend is not feeling their best include yawning more than usual or pacing around the house.

These are clear signs they’re not comfortable with what’s going on outside.

Creating a Safe Space

Your dog needs a spot where they feel protected from the scary noises and pressure changes that come with wind and storms.

Find a quiet area in your home where the sound of wind is minimal. Make this space cozy with their favorite blanket and toys.

If they like crates, cover it with a blanket to muffle sounds and create a den-like atmosphere.

This is their safe space; let them have control over when they want to enter and leave.

Positive Reinforcement Techniques

Positive reinforcement can work wonders. If your dog remains calm or follows commands during windy conditions, reward them!

Use treats, extra playtime, or affection—whatever makes your dog’s tail wag with happiness. This doesn’t just help in the moment; it builds their confidence over time.

Always keep your tone upbeat and give them lots of praise.

This approach shows your dog there’s nothing to fear, reinforcing their bravery with every gust of wind.

Medical Interventions

When your dog is scared of wind, certain medical treatments can help.

Here are some options that you should discuss with your vet.

Anxiety Medications

Your vet may prescribe anxiety medication to help your dog during windy days. Common choices are benzodiazepines or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

These can reduce your dog’s fear response and help them stay calm.

  • Benzodiazepines: Fast-acting, for acute anxiety
  • SSRIs: Long-term management of anxiety

Supplements and Alternative Therapies

Some non-prescription options can also provide relief. Think of things like CBD oil or calming pheromones.

They’re not a cure, but they can make your dog less anxious.

  • CBD Oil: Known for its calming effects
  • Pheromones: Mimic calming signals from mother dogs

Consulting with a Veterinarian

Always talk to a veterinarian before starting any treatment. They’ll confirm if the supplements or medications are a good fit for your dog.

Non-Medical Aids and Adaptations

When your dog is scared of the wind, various non-medical aids can help comfort them without the need for medications.

Thundershirts and Pressure Garments

Thundershirts work by applying gentle, constant pressure, similar to swaddling a baby. This can have a calming effect on your dog during wind storms.

Make it a positive experience by associating the garment with treats and play. That way, your dog feels secure and less anxious.

Calmative Pheromones and Adaptil

Pheromone-based products like Adaptil mimic the natural pheromones a mother dog releases to comfort her puppies.

Plug in a diffuser in your dog’s favorite area, or use a collar to help keep them calm. These scents can lower their stress in stormy weather.

White Noise and Background Sounds

Playing white noise or soft background sounds can mask the sound of the wind. Even classical music has been shown to soothe dogs.

Try creating a playlist or using an app designed for pets to help distract your furry friend from the howling winds outside.

Behavior Modification Strategies

When your dog is scared of the wind, these effective approaches can help: desensitization, counter-conditioning, reinforcement, and training.

These methods gradually reduce fear and encourage calmness.

Desensitization and Counter-Conditioning

Desensitization is a process where you slowly introduce your dog to the sound of wind in a controlled way.

Start by playing recordings of wind at a low volume, ensuring your dog is relaxed. Over time, gradually increase the volume as long as they stay calm.

Counter-Conditioning involves changing your dog’s emotional response to the wind. When the wind sound plays and your dog is calm, reward them with treats or playtime.

This creates a positive association, and over time, they’ll learn that wind equals good things.

Reinforcement and Training Approaches

Training should focus on positive reinforcement. This means when your dog reacts well to wind, you give them something they like.

Use treats, favorite toys, or verbal praise to show them that they are doing great.

For reinforced training, keep sessions short and enjoyable. Always end on a positive note to make sure your dog looks forward to them.

Preventative Measures and Long-Term Plans

When your dog is scared of the wind, you can do a lot to help. We’ll go over how to make a storm safety plan and build your dog’s confidence.

Developing a Storm Safety Plan

Have a safe place for your dog. This might be a crate or a quiet room. Fill it with their favorite toys and blankets to make it cozy. Play calming music or use a white noise machine to drown out the scary wind sounds.

Create a routine. During windy days or storms, guide your dog to their safe spot.

Offer them treats and engage in calm play. This can make the scary times seem not so bad.

Understanding the Science of Canine Fear

Dogs often react to changes in their environment that we might not even notice. Let’s explore two factors that particularly affect their sense of security during windy conditions.

The Impact of Barometric Pressure and Static Electricity

When the weather changes, so does the barometric pressure, and you might observe your dog becoming uneasy.

Herding breeds, such as Border Collies, can be more sensitive to these shifts. They may sense a storm coming long before you do because they feel the pressure changes more acutely.

These changes can even cause painful shocks from static electricity buildup, making your dog more anxious.

  • Key feelings: Unease, anxiety
  • Sensitivity: Higher in herding breeds
  • Observable behavior: Restlessness, looking for a safe place

Desensitizing your dog to these sensations is one approach to helping them cope. You could create a safe space that minimizes static and shields them from pressure changes.

Hearing Sensitivity and Loud Sounds

A dog scared of wind isn’t so surprising when you consider that dogs have incredibly sensitive hearing.

Loud sounds like thunder can be overwhelming for them. The reverberating noise of wind hustling against your home could make your dog think that something bad is happening.

  • Loud sounds: Thunder, gusts of wind, rain
  • Hearing sensitivity: Up to four times the distance of human hearing

Your dog’s reaction to wind may be about more than just the sound itself, it could be about how it feels.

Final Thoughts – Dog Scared of Wind

Helping a dog scared of wind involves a lot of kindness and the right approach. Dogs can feel uneasy about things like wind because it brings a bunch of new, unfamiliar sensations their way.

Making a special, calm spot in your house where your dog can chill out during windy times is a great first step. This area could have their favorite blanket, some toys, and even some gentle music playing to help block out the sound of the wind.

Teaching your dog not to be scared of wind through gentle training is also super helpful. You can start by playing wind sounds softly while giving them treats or having playtime, so they learn there’s nothing scary about it.

If your dog is really struggling, getting advice from a vet or an animal behavior expert can be a game-changer. They can suggest specific strategies or even safe medications to help your dog feel better.

Items like Thundershirts or calming scents can also make a big difference without needing medicine.

The most important thing is to be patient and supportive. With enough time and the right methods, you can help your dog see windy days as no big deal—just another part of their adventures with you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Dealing with a dog scared of wind can be challenging. Here’s how you can help your furry friend feel safer and more comfortable during gusty conditions.

How can I soothe my dog when they seem frightened by windy conditions?

To soothe a dog scared of wind, create a safe space away from the noise where they can relax. Playing soft music or white noise can also help mask the sound of the wind.

What are the reasons for a dog Scared of wind?

Dogs might be afraid of the wind because of the unfamiliar noises it creates or negative past experiences related to windy conditions. Changes in air pressure can also affect your dog.

Can windy weather cause anxiety or stress in dogs, and how do I address it?

Yes, windy weather can cause anxiety in dogs. Keep them company and distract them with games or their favorite toys to help reduce stress.

What strategies can help calm a dog that gets nervous at night due to wind?

To calm a nervous dog at night, consider a calming bedtime routine and a comfortable, secure sleeping area. Consistency can help reduce their anxiety.

Are there any effective products or clothing that help dogs who are scared of wind, like thunder shirts?

Products like thunder shirts can provide a sense of security. Look for items specifically designed to calm dogs by applying gentle, constant pressure.

How do I prevent my dog from barking excessively during windy weather?

To prevent excessive barking, you may need to desensitize your dog to the noise. Gradually expose them to the sound while providing positive reinforcement.


All information in this article is for educational purposes only and is not meant to replace your veterinarian's advice.
Jen Smart

Jen is the founder of, a leading resource for managing and treating anxiety in dogs. With over a decade of experience in working with rescue dogs, Jen holds diplomas in Understanding Canine Anxiety, Canine Holistic Health & Therapy, CBD Oil for Animals, and Zoopharmacognosy. Her expert insights help dog owners navigate the challenges of anxiety with compassionate, innovative solutions. Follow Jen’s guidance at Anxious Canine for a calmer, happier dog.

12 thoughts on “Dog Scared of Wind: Blown Away by Fear?”

  1. really cool article! Been walking dogs for a bit now and noticed some freak out over wind. didnt know there was so much to do about it. thanks for the tips gonna share with the dog owners i know!

  2. this article is a lifesaver, legit didn’t know that dogs can get wind phobia. Gonna try that white noise thing tonight, hope it calms my pooch down. btw, Jen, genius advice.

  3. I’ve always wondered if dogs can predict the weather with their anxiety. Like, are they more anxious because they know a storm is coming or is it the change in air pressure that freaks them out? Dogs are better than forecasters maybe?

    • Hi XxSallyxX, Dogs are very much sensitive to changes in the weather, and their heightened anxiety can often be due to their ability to detect shifts in air pressure or static electric fields that precede storms. This super sensitivity can make them anxious or restless before bad weather hits! I would trust my dog over a weather forecaster any day 🙂

  4. if dogs get anxious coz of wind, they should try kite surfing! Jokes apart, does playing music help during windy nights? My Bruno seems less stressed with some tunes on.

    • Yes, playing music can definitely help soothe dogs during windy nights or other stressful situations. Background music can mask the unsettling sounds of the wind, helping to keep Bruno calmer. Dogs respond really well to classical music 🙂

  5. Great overview on canine anxiety. I’ve seen significant improvements in dogs with the use of pressure garments. It’s fascinating how physical pressure can bring about a sense of calm in our furry friends.

  6. hey, so my dog gets super scared during storms, like shaking and everything. do thunder shirts really work? heard about it but kinda skeptical. what’s your take Jen?


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